Community United Methodist Church
Come experience the stories of Sarah, Martha and the Sinful Woman. Stay for refreshments after.
Tickets $10.00
For Further Information Visit: https://cumc.net/events/ancient-voices/
Come experience the stories of Sarah, Martha and the Sinful Woman. Stay for refreshments after.
Tickets $10.00
For Further Information Visit: https://cumc.net/events/ancient-voices/
Featuring the program “Too Old, Too Busy, Too Sinful”, which includes Sarah, Martha and The Sinful Woman
Tickets: $25.00
Contact church office at 302-945-9453 to purchase tickets.
For questions contact Teri Lowinger 845-461-6287
Program from 10:30 am - noon. Lunch will follow the program and will be prepared and served by the men of the church.
Join with other women to experience stories from the past, lessons for today and hope for the future through portrayals of Biblical Women.
For more information or to sign up, visit:
“Too Old, Too Busy, Too Sinful” featuring Sarah, Martha and the Sinful Woman, followed by Anita’s personal story.
No reservations required - a Free Will Offering will be taken
For information contact: Bethany Lutheran Church: 715-234-9028 or
Mike Diercks: 715-736-1981
Come experience stories from the past, lessons for today, hope for the future.
Featuring “Too Old, Too Busy, Too Sinful”. This includes Sarah, Martha and the Sinful Woman. The program concludes with Anita’s personal story.
Refreshments will be served after the program.
For ticket information or questions, please contact
TEXT: 717-330-4256
:EMAIL: susan-carpenter@comcast.net
It's not often a queen comes to visit, but Esther has an urgent message for us. A poor orphan girl, she was plucked from obscurity and placed in a position of importance in a palace. That sounded like every girl's dream come true, until she discovered that she faced a life-or-death decision: speak up for her people and possibly lose her life or be silent and watch them lose theirs.
Lot's on the move - angels have warned him to leave Sodom and he takes heed. Lot's wife is another matter - she wants to hold on to the comfortable, the familiar, the past.
A "working" girl who runs an Inn in Jericho is visited by two strangers. There is a choice to be made, and she has to make it fast - continue to place her trust for her future in her valuable crimson cord, or risk her life, and trust the God of the two strangers. Rahab made a decision that changed the course of her life forever.
We all face crossroads, where we must make difficult decisions. These women give great examples for us today.
It's not often a queen comes to visit, but Esther has an urgent message for us. A poor orphan girl, she was plucked from obscurity and placed in a position of importance in a palace. That sounded like every girl's dream come true, until she discovered that she faced a life-or-death decision: speak up for her people and possibly lose her life or be silent and watch them lose theirs.
Lot's on the move - angels have warned him to leave Sodom and he takes heed. Lot's wife is another matter - she wants to hold on to the comfortable, the familiar, the past.
A "working" girl who runs an Inn in Jericho is visited by two strangers. There is a choice to be made, and she has to make it fast - continue to place her trust for her future in her valuable crimson cord, or risk her life, and trust the God of the two strangers. Rahab made a decision that changed the course of her life forever.
We all face crossroads, where we must make difficult decisions. These women give great examples for us today.
Women of the Bible will be presenting “Fruit of the Tree” at The Mound on Tuesday evening, and again on Wednesday afternoon. Make your plans now.
Meet Abigail, Leah and Bathsheba and later Eve, Potiphar’s Wife and Mary of Magdala
Experience the stories of Queen Esther, Lot’s Wife and Rahab.
Program: “Fruit of the Tree” featuring Eve, Potiphar’s Wife, Mary of Magdala..
Lunch will be served after. Cost: $20.00
Come join us for a day of inspiring stories from scripture and enjoy lunch with old and new friends.
Contact Long Neck United Methodist Church at 302-945-9453 or longneckumc@msn.com for further information or to purchase your tickets
Come experience the stories of Anna the Prophetess and Mary of Bethany. Be inspired by their stories and their faith.
For more information contact:
Joyce Bassler 814-224-5119
"Words can't express how your portrayal of each woman touched the hearts and impacted the lives of our women, young and old."
"You blew me away - knocked my socks off - bowled me over! You were so fantastic, compassionate, real, but so biblical. You gave new insight into women who are so much like us. I was deeply moved by each woman as you brought her to life."
Dinner & Program is $30 Program Only $20 Program only @ door $25
For Further Information Contact:
Janice DeMuth
608-748-4411 ext 811
Walking with Purpose of Christ the King Parish invites you to experience “Water Jars”, featuring Rebekah, the Woman at the Well and Ruth.
Refreshments will follow the program.
No Reservations Required.
Donations will be accepted.
You are invited to experience “Water Jars”, featuring Rebekah, the Woman at the Well and Ruth.
No Tickets or RSVP Necessary. Free-Will Offering will be taken.
~ Rebekah sashays into the room. She's funny, self-centered, conniving, and a prime candidate for family counseling. Her nose is in everyone else's business, including God's - big mistake!
~ There is exciting news! Jesus is at the Samaritan well. And the Samaritan Woman with a a shady past cannot wait to tell all the townspeople who have spurned her.
~ Gentle Ruth describes how her life was transformed by love - loving a man she was supposed to hate; loving her mother-in-law, loving the God of Israel, and despite a broken heart, loving again.
For Information Contact: Annemarie Quigley 703-356-7533
To learn more about Ancient Voices Sacred Stories visit: www.ancientvoicessaacredstories.com
To learn more about Women of the Bible visit: www.womenofthebible.com
Come for an inspiration morning and meet Rebekah, the Woman at the Well and Ruth. Then enjoy a light lunch and meet other women in your area.
Reservations Requested - but tickets will be available at the door
$20 Adults/$10 Youth 10-16
For Information Contact: Karen Mitchell 302-945-9453 or Teri Lowinger 845-461-6287
Presenting “Water Jars”. Come meet Rebekah, the Woman at the Well and Ruth. Then stay and enjoy refreshments
Open to the Public
Free-Will Offering will be taken
Presenting “Too Old, Too Busy, Too Sinful” featuring Sarah, Martha & the Sinful Woman
No Reservations Required
Free-Will Donation
For Information Contact: Barbara Everhart at 703-356-7533 or office@stdunstans.net
Come join us for an Inspiring presentation . Program from 1:00 - 3:30 PM with refreshments after
Admission $15.00
For more information contact the church at 304-327-9727/secretary@firstpresbyblfd.org
Tickets can also be purchased at: GoodyKoontz Drug Store, New Graham Pharmacy or The Salon
This is a great chance to meet other women, and together experience the stories of Sarah, Martha and the Sinful. Woman. You will have the opportunity to laugh with these women, cry with them, and perhaps see yourself in their stories. Then after the program enjoy refreshments and conversation. There will be a drawing for a gift basket as a bonus!
This event is not open to the public.
Come meet great women from your area, and a few from the Bible. Sarah, Martha and the Sinful Woman have stories to share with you. Then join in lively discussion about God,s Provision, God’s Rest and God’s Peace. Lunch will follow.
Doors Open at 12:15 PM, Luncheon/tea begins at 12:45 PM
Contact: Carol Goldthorpe at 304-870-4076 or carol.goldthorpe@gmail.com
Admission $15.00 / person
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
RSVP by May 3.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
School Assembly: 9:30 - 10:30 am
Evening Program: 7:00 - 8:30 pm*
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Afternoon Program: 1:30 - 3:00 pm*
*meal available before program
Check out video: https://youtu.be/AA7QaYAgAuM V