Our souls long for time to focus on God's Word and listen to the still small voice of the Spirit. A Women Digging Deeper Weekend is designed to provide time to fervently study scripture under the guidance of a Bible teacher.
"Stand in the Light" Ephesians 6:10-20
Through a unique blend of Bible study, performance, Biblical scholarship, discussion and personal reflection, Anita and Joanne present relevant historical background, provide understanding, offer emotional connection, spiritual enrichment and encouragement to live out the truths of scripture.
Each character study begins with a review of relevant historical background, then a focused Bible study. The Bible study is followed by an artistic concept—a performance—of that character, along with life application questions. The final piece is a lecture designed to offer some thoughts on how to live out the wisdom you've gained. Our hope is that you experience something fresh and new from the pages of this ancient, yet living, document, God's Word.
For further information and registration visit:
: https://www.sandycove.org/events/women-digging-deeper-weekend-february-7-9-2020/introduction/