"Words can't express how your portrayal of each woman touched the hearts and impacted the lives of our women, young and old."
Martha Walter, Director of Women's Ministries
Christian Fellowship Church
"Thank you for your magnificent performance. I have never seen the audience so quiet and focused on a presentation or speaker."
Barbara DeFlavis, Director of Women's Ministries
Gloria Dei Church
"Her fine acting skill as well as her spiritual sensitivity resulted in a unique and moving liturgical drama. The women she portrayed were real, their lives filled with human struggles and human joys. Ms. Gutschick touched many hearts as she presented the issues we - and they - face in life."
Mary A. Matthews, Director of Social Services
Ginger Cove Retirement Community
"You blew me away - knocked my socks off - bowled me over! You were so fantastic, compassionate, real, but so biblical. You gave new insight into women who are so much like us. I was deeply moved by each woman as you brought her to life."
Grace Chapel
Mechanicsville, MD
"I especially appreciate the excellence in your acting which is unfortunately rare in the Christian acting world. God bless you for your hard work in attaining that wonderful excellence. You are an inspiration to me not only in acting/teaching but in working for excellence in all that I do."
"It spoke to my heart!"
"It was wonderful. I can see that I am a Martha. I want to learn to sit at the feet of Jesus."
"Challenging and encouraging."
"Very profound. Very powerful. Very moving."
"It helped me to learn how similar my problems are to the women of the Bible."
"I was truly shocked at the magnificent performance that you presented. I was captivated by your portrayal of the women. You are definitely anointed by God."
Comments from audience members