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Cost $20.00 Registration Deadline February 2, 2020
Featuring Speakers: Anita Gutschick and Mandy Memmel and a time of worship
It's not often a queen comes to visit, but Esther has an urgent message for us. A poor orphan girl, she was plucked from obscurity and placed in a position of importance in a palace. That sounded like every girl's dream come true, until she discovered that she faced a life-or-death decision: speak up for her people and possibly lose her life or be silent and watch them lose theirs.
Lot's on the move - angels have warned him to leave Sodom and he takes heed. Lot's wife is another matter - she wants to hold on to the comfortable, the familiar, the past.
A "working" girl who runs an Inn in Jericho is visited by two strangers. There is a choice to be made, and she has to make it fast - continue to place her trust for her future in her valuable crimson cord, or risk her life, and trust the God of the two strangers. Rahab made a decision that changed the course of her life forever.
We all face crossroads, where we must make difficult decisions. These women give great examples for us today.
And be inspired by hearing Mandy speak. Mandy has been loving the women of Baltimore for almost 15 years. What began as a community women’s Christmas event, grew into a weekly life group, and then exploded into the creation of a life development center and now a social enterprise. With a deep passion and a call to transform women’s lives, Mandy is a force for change in Baltimore. As a social entrepreneur, she leads, first with love, then as an expert and visionary–always staying true to her core desire: to have each woman she meets know that they are beautiful and have a great purpose.